Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The toughest job in the world

Parenting. If done right, it really is the toughest job in the world. It wears me out. It really does.
But there are many ways to make it easier.

If it didn't matter what time they went to bed, it would be a lot easier.
If I didn't care where they went or when they came home, it would be a lot easier.
If it didn't make any difference to me what TV shows or movies they watched, it would be so much easier.
If I didn't care about outside influences, it would be a lot easier.
If I didn't have to monitor their computer use, it would be a whole lot easier.
If I would let them play video games all day, it would be easier.
If it didn't matter how they treated their siblings, it would be a lot easier.
If I just didn't have to worry about teaching them respect, it would be a lot easier.
If I would just give them the freedom to do what they want, when they want, with whomever they want, life would be so much easier.

There's just this one little problem. It's called love.


  1. THIS is a great post, my dear friend! Love it!

  2. If you didn't have to worry about the girl that shows her underwear, it would be a lot lot easier
