Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Come on get Happy

Tonight I stumbled upon a new TV series called "Ruby and The Rockets." I stopped and watched the episode. Normally I wouldn't care, but this really caught my attention, because I noticed that one of the stars of the show was David Cassidy. I know what you are thinking... "so what?" Well, it's confession time. David Cassidy was my childhood idol. When I was 12 or 13 years old, I thought he was so cool. It was a combination of things that made him cool. He was a good singer. He got all the girls. He had a cool TV show, and of course, he had the hair.

I wanted my hair to look just like his. And it sort of did for a while in Middle School.

So this new TV series stars not only David, but his brother Patrick Cassidy. With a guest appearance by his real life step-mother Shirley Jones (also his mom from The Partridge Family). The show is produced by younger brother Shaun Cassidy and the set was designed by yet another brother, Ryan Cassidy.
That's a lot of Cassidy. And once upon a time it was a lot of hair.

I am not necessarily endorsing this show. I mean, come on ... I only saw one episode. But suddenly I have the urge to part my hair down the middle, unbutton my shirt half way, and sing "I Think I Love You."

1 comment:

  1. That is great! When I was 12, I swore I would love David Cassidy until the day I die. What can I say...people change.
